Small things

​I recently discovered that one of the problems affecting youths and even some adults today is the inability to start small. We find it difficult to start small, we want to accomplish a big thing right away and life doesn’t work like that. It also affected me and that’s why I’m sharing this with you. I write a lot. But because I didn’t want to start small, I started writing novels. Now I have 5 incomplete novels. Incomplete being I’ve not gotten anywhere. I was reading a book where the same thing was happening to a character and the solution was just to write short stories. The character was asked to start with short stories. I did the same thing now I have 3 complete short stories. Funny enough if I combine elements of the short stories, I can have up to 5 chapters of a novel. What am I saying? Learn to start small. It may look impossible but whatever your goal is, you will get there. While taking things step by step you get data and experience for the next step making things easier instead of jumbling it all up and making it difficult. 

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